Guests on Mother Earth

In 1935, Georg Thurmair of Germany published a song initially titled “Traveling Song” 
and later changed the title* to “We are merely guests on Mother Earth.”
Photo by Julian Moses, April 2020

During the Easter Night, a close relative’s father passed on, 
and for the next two or so day 
I found myself humming this song or reciting it my mind.
So I began to think about it – 
the meaning of the words as I can apply them today.
I was taught that being a good guest means to respect the host
and abide by the guidelines 
set forth for being in her/his space. 
As a hostess, I appreciate guests who are “low maintenance” and respectful; 
leave my place clean and appreciate the time we spent. 
This would become the basis for many more visits, for happy times in a shared space, 
and for appreciation of each other beyond adhering to guidelines.
I have also hosted guests whose stay couldn’t end soon enough. 
I am not proud of that sentiment, but I know why I felt that way: 
no respect, no sharing, no appreciation. 
Have you had a similar experience?

Referring back to the song I wonder 
what kind of guests we are on this beautiful Mother Earth? 
Are we respectful? Appreciative? 
Do we even know the guidelines for staying?

Let’s do better!
*If you would like to learn more about the motivation and history of this catholic church song, please go to the German resources for the title “Wir sind nur Gast auf Erden.”


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